Texas – The Lone Star State
Everything indeed is bigger in Texas. This huge state (the second largest in the whole US, second to Alaska, and the biggest in the mainland) has a culture and history so diverse that it is the only state in the US of A to raise six flags, France, Spain, Mexico, Republic of Texas, the United States of America and the Confederate States of America. Even before so many settlers laid claim to this “Lone Star State”, Native American Indians, Apache, Atakapan, Bidai, Caddo, Comanche, Cherokee, Kiowa, Tonkawa, and Wichita Tribes, held court in this area. Presently, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribes of Texas, the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas, and the Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo of Texas still exist in Texas.
With the many battles for ownership of the land, many cultures and heritages have been laid down and different areas of Texas show this culture and legacies of their original settlers. Before 1821, Texas was a part of Spanish colony before the Mexicans declared their independence and took Texas away from Spanish hold. Barely fifteen years later, Texas residents weary of the Mexican laws stood up to fight for their freedom and declared themselves independent from Mexico and stood a new independent nation. Barely ten years after that, Texas was accepted to the United States as a slave state. In December 29, 1845, Texas became the 28th state of he United States of America. Then during the Civil War, Texas joined the Confederates, but after the defeat of the confederates they were allowed to join the union once again in 1870. Now, Texas still is imbedded in the many tradition its forefathers has imparted on them but is quickly adapting to modern times and developments have been rapid and monumental.
With its large size, Texas has many toporophical features. From the sprawling mountain ranges to the plains to the gulf of mexico, this state has many to offer to its visitors. Six hundred miles of fine shimmering shoreline offer a fine day at the beach. Getting your dose of water sports is not restricted to the beaches, a fine array of lakes and rivers in the innerlands also gleams a promise of great fun. Its great forests and mountains also offer a great adventure in camping and hiking. Experience a wonderful time of experiencing Mother Nature at its finest under the bright Texan sky.
And of course, what would a Texas visit be without the rodeos and cowboys. There are almost a hundred working ranches in Texas, complete with the real deal cattle, chuckwagons and cowboys. Experience the three R’s, Rodeoin’, Ropin’, and Ridin’, and test your cowboy skills to the limits and experience the true western tradition. Wether you want to participate or be a spectator, Rodeo’s are a year round sport that showcases the manly talents of these seasoned cowboys. Many rodeo’s all over the state attracts thousands of spectators to cheer on these manly man conquer wild beasts as they kick, jump and thrash in the air.
One thing good about the many an diverse culture of Texas is its food. Choose from Mexican, Native American, German, Spanish, Cajun and good old fashioned home cooking from steaks to fried chicken to fill that belly up. No other state enjoys good food like Texas. It has many cook-offs and fry offs in their estivals and jamborees than any other state. And of course, a visit to Texas wont be complete if you don’t have a taste of tex-mex. Unique to this state, tex-mex combines the flavors of mexican food and the texas oomph. Then there is always the barbecues and chillis. So, always consider Texas as your top vacation choice y’all!